Weekly News 15th June 2014/ (RE)NEW: How The Gospel Changes Everything


(RE)NEW: HOW THE GOSPEL CHANGES EVERYTHING Is the new sermon series that will be starting this Sunday. It will run up to the Summer hols, we’ll take a break from it over the holiday period, and then pick it up again in early Autumn.

It begins by thinking about our home now, the world in which we live and finishes by looking at the Eternity, the eternal city, the world to come. In between those 2 bookends, we’ll be exploring together how the gospel changes our hearts, our community and how we live in the world.

There will be materials for homegroups to follow up from the teaching on a Sunday morning. But the series is loosely based on a course on the gospel produced by Tim Keller, called ‘Gospel in Life’, which is available on-line if you wanted to delve into it further.


Click here to download  Weekly News 15th June 2014