Charlotte speaks to us about wielding influence - Daniel 2: 24-49
Names & The Name of Jesus
Sally speaks to us about the name of Jesus. Philippians 2: 1-11.
Standing Firm in a Culture of Compromise
Jon speaks to us about standing firm in a culture of compromise. Daniel Chapter 1
Easter Day
Peter speaks to us about Easter Day Luke 24: 1-12
Lent 4 - 'Meditating on Scripture'
Jon speaks to us about meditating on scripture. Psalm 1 & Matthew 4: 1-4.
Lent 3 - 'Rest'
Felicity speaks to us about rest - Deuteronomy 5: 12-15 & Mark 2: 23-27.
Lent 2 - 'Silence & Solitude'
Richard speaks to us about silence & solitude. Isaiah 30: 15-18 & Mark 1: 35-39.
Lent 1 - 'Fasting'
Peter speaks to us about fasting. Matthew 6: 16-18 & Acts 13: 1-3
Gifts 8 - 'Growing in your Gifts'
Charlotte speaks to us about growing in your gifts. 1 Timothy 4: 11-16 & 2 Timothy 1: 6-7
Gifts 7 - 'Dyb, Dyb, Dyb,Dob, Dob, Dob for the Lord'
Martin speaks to us about doing our best for the Lord. Colossians 3: 23-24
Gifts 6 - 'Spiritual Gifts v Natural Gifts - Is there a difference?'
Jon speaks to us about spiritual gifts and natural gifts. 1 Corinthians 12: 1-11.
Gifts 5 - 'Excellence & Struggle'
Peter speaks to us about excellence & struggle. Mark 1: 35-39
Gifts 4 - 'Showboating for the Lord & False Humility'
Sally speaks to us about showboating for the Lord & false humility. 1 Peter 4: 7-11
Gifts 3 - 'Our Greatest Gift'
Amber speaks to us about our greatest gift - love. 1 Corinthians 13: 1-13
Gifts 2 - 'Discerning our Gifts'
Dan speaks to us about discerning our gifts. Romans 12: 6-8
Gifts 1 - "What's The Point? - our purpose as humans".
Jon speaks to us about our purpose as humans. Genesis 1:26 - 2:3
Desert Detours
Jon speaks to us about desert detours. Exodus 3: 7-15.
Peter speaks to us about the coming of the wise men. Isaiah 60: 1-6 & Matthew 2: 1-12.
Luke 2: 41 - end & Colossians 3: 12-17
Nick speaks to us on the above Bible passages.
Advent - Light of Peace
Richard speaks to us about the light of peace. Micah 5: 2-5 & Luke 1: 39-45.