Peter speaks to us about Christmas at our Carol Service.
Advent - Light of Joy
Jon speaks to us about joy. Zephaniah 3: 14-end & Philippians 4: 4-7
Advent - Light of Faith
Dan speaks to us about the Light of Faith. Malachi 3: 1-4 & Philippians 1: 3-11
Advent - Light of Hope
Charlotte speaks to us about the Light of Hope - Jeremiah 33: 14-16 & Luke 21: 25-36
Hospitality - Table People 3 - 'Food - Justice & Injustice'
Richard speaks to us about Food - justice & injustice. Luke 14: 12-24
Talk by George Verwer, founder of Operation Mobilisation
Readings Matthew 9: 35-end & Acts 20: 17-24
Hospitality - Table People 2 - 'Neighbouring'
Peter speaks to us about reaching out to our neighbours. Luke 10:25-38
Hospitality - Table People 1 - 'Ordinary Hospitality
Jon speaks to us about hospitality. Luke 19: 1-10.
Who is God? 6 - 'Carry the Name'
Aston speaks to us about carrying the name of God. Exodus 34: 4-7
Who is God? 5 - Forgiving & Just.
Dan speaks to us about God’s forgiving and just nature. Exodus 34: 4-7
Who is God? 4 - Abounding in Love & Faithfulness
Richard speaks to us about God’s character, abounding in love & faithfulness. Exodus 34: 4-7
Who is God? 3 - Slow to Anger
Sally speaks to us about God’s character being slow to anger. Exodus 34: 4-7. NB See the pictures below which are integral to the sermon.
Who is God? 2 - Compassionate & Gracious
Peter speaks to us about God’s compassionate and gracious nature. Exodus 34: 4-7
Who is God? 1 - His Name
Jon speaks to us about the name of God - Exodus 34: 4-7
Fruits of the Spirit - Self-Control
Peter speaks to us about self-control. Galatians 5: 22-23 & Titus 2
Fruits of the Spirit - Goodness & Kindness
Dan speaks to us about goodness and kindness. Galatians 5:22-23 & Acts 3: 1-10, 4: 5-12.
Fruits of the Spirit - Peace & Patience
Charlotte speaks to us about peace & patience - Gal 5: 22-23 & Psalm 34.
Fruits of the Spirit - Joy
Jon speaks to us about Joy. Galatians 5:22-23 & John 15: 9-12.
Fruits of the Spirit - Love
Sally speaks to us about love. Galatians 5: 22-23 & Luke 10: 25-37
Jon speaks to us about abortion. Deut 30: 19-20 & Hebrews 4: 12-16