Jeremy speaks to us about Matthew 23: 33 - 39.
The Exodus
Felicity speaks to us about Exodus 12:1 - !4:31, focussing on Exodus 14:13 - 25.
An Almighty Showdown
Jon speaks to us about Exodus 7:1 - 11:10
An Uncertain Moses
Sarah speaks to us about Exodus 4: 1-17
The Burning Bush
Jeremy speaks to us about Moses and the burning bush.
The Fugitive
Jon speaks to us about Exodus 2: 11-22
A Baby in the Basket
Philippa speaks to us about Exodus 1: 22 - 2: 10
Matthew 23: 1-12
Geoff speaks to us about Matthew 23: 1-12
Matthew 22: 34 - 46
Jon speaks to us about Matthew 22: 34 - 46
Matthew 22: 15 - 33
Jeremy speaks to us about Matthew 22: 15-33.
Matthew 22:1-14
Sally speaks to us about Matthew 22: 1-14.
Matthew 21: 33 - 46.
Geoff speaks to us about Matthew 21: 33 - 46.
Matthew 21: 23 - 32
Felicity speaks to us about Matthew 21: 23 - 32.
(NB First part of sermon wasn’t recorded.)
Matthew 21: 12-22
Jon speaks to us about Matthew 21: 12 - 22.
Pentecost Sunday
Nick speaks to us about John 14:15-20 & 25-27, and Acts 2:1-8 & 12-14.
Matthew 20: 17 - 28
Julia speaks to us about Matthew 20: 17 - 28.
Matthew 20: 1-16
Philippa speaks to us about Matthew 20: 1-16.
Matthew 19: 13 - 30
Geoff speaks to us about Matthew 19: 13 - 30.
Matthew 18: 15-35
Jeremy speaks to us about Matthew 18: 15-35.
John 20: 1-18
Jon speaks to us on Easter Sunday about John 20: 1-18