Sermon audio only
Considering how an experience of God's grace drives our passion for Justice, rather than the levers of guilt, or simple ethical obligation.
Sermon audio only
Considering how an experience of God's grace drives our passion for Justice, rather than the levers of guilt, or simple ethical obligation.
Sermon audio only
Considering how an experience of God's grace drives our passion for Justice, rather than the levers of guilt, or simple ethical obligation.
Sermon audio only
READING: LUKE 14:12-14
A look at how Jesus shows preference for the vulnerable and poor.
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An opening survey of what it means to 'do justice' according to the bible.
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Sermon audio only
Sermon audio only
Sermon audio only
Sermon audio only
Sermon audio only
Full video service.
Sermon audio only
Full video service.
Sermon audio only
Full video service.
Sermon audio only
Welcome to our Easter Sunday Service. Jonny lead us in some worship. Jon shares a special Easter message, Dan leads us in some prayers and we have a number of special appearances from members of the church!
Make sure you subscribe to our YouTube channel here →
Welcome to our Palm Sunday Service. Paul and the family lead us in some worship. Charlotte brings a word of encouragement and Jon leads our time of prayer.
Make sure you subscribe to our YouTube channel here →
Welcome to our Sunday Service for 29th March 2020. Dan, Sarah and the kids lead us in some worship. Jon brings a word of encouragement and Amber leads our time of prayer.
Make sure you subscribe to our YouTube channel here →
A short update from Jon as we have our first week without a gathered time of worship during the coronavirus outbreak.
Dan speaks to us about Philippians 4: 6-9. NB The recording is of the reading, then the sermon, then the prayers from the service.
Jon speaks to us about John 5: 19-29.
Jon speaks to us about John 3: 1-21.