Marc speaks to us about the third part of the Lord's Prayer. Matthew 6:13
Lord's Prayer Part 2
Peter speaks to us about the Lord's Prayer. Matthew 6: 11-12
Lord's Prayer Part 1
Aston speaks to us about the first part of the Lord's Prayer. Matthew 6: 9-10
Easter Sunday
Jon speaks to us about Easter Sunday. Matthew 28: 1-10
Palm Sunday
Geoff speaks about Palm Sunday. Reading Matthew 21: 1-11.
Mothering Sunday
Jon speaks about Mothering Sunday
Hungry Yet?
Peter talks about fasting in our Lenten series. Isaiah 58.
ReLENTless Holiness
Charlotte gives the first in our new series LENT VENT, talking about ReLENTless Holiness.
The Voice of God
This week Dan gave the final part to our 'Firm Foundations' series by showing how the voice of God throughout the Old Testament points us to Jesus. You can also watch the great 'True and Better' video shown below.
Proverbs 8:1-17, 32-36
Jon looks at Wisdom in the Old Testament
The Prophetic
Richard looks at the role of prophecy in the Old Testament
Firm Foundations
Aston gives a great talk for young and old linked to our Firm Foundations series.
The Religion
Richard continues our Firm Foundations series with a look at the religion found in the Old Testament.
The History
In this sermon Geoff looks at the history of the Old Testament.
An extremely brief retelling of the Old Testament
Peter gives us a whistle-stop tour of the Old Testament story to a give us the basis of our new sermon series 'Firm Foundations'
What on Earth Are We Doing?
Jon looks at the vision and mission of St John's as we set out on a new year!
Reading: Matthew 28:11-end